Behold the cuteness!

Yesterday I was trying to tell Brian that I heard a Bjork song that wasn’t weird, and that, in turn, made it weird.
We took Noelle to a birthday party Saturday morning. It was at a place with a room full of those Jupiter Jump things. She had so much fun and completely wore herself out. We’re definitely having her next birthday party there, that place was fantastic! They take care of everything so the parents can actually relax & enjoy the party too. Big pat on the back to whoever thought of opening that place.
I’m leaving soon for an out of town wedding! Getting on a real plane, to go on a real trip, and out of my house! WOOHOO!!! I’m so excited!
@*&!!&#% )*@#*#^# #)$# &*@#($ tampons!
Monday night I was at Kohl’s and bought Noelle a little stuffed turtle – Vern, from the movie Over the Hedge. I gave it to her Tuesday morning and she was instantly smitten. We sent him with her to the babysitter, where she gave him food & drinks, covered him up for naps, and carried him everywhere.